Our clinics are tailor-made for your group and can last from 2 to 5 days. Topics covered have included:
Behaviour Builder Workshops (classroom workshop and in-depth practice to refine your understanding of behaviour and truly learn to teach your horse anything)
Thoracic Sling Development
French Classic Dressage for all disciplines
Seat Clinics
& more
"This was the most incredible experience. The clinician's understanding of Learning Theory and Behaviour was absolutely mind-boggling. I've never experienced this quality of clinic in such an accessible format."

What People are Saying
"To be honest I would have paid more for this clinic"

"I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from the clinic as having a classroom portion along with handouts seemed really overwhelming on the surface but this was the most valuable and useful thing I've ever done for myself and my horse"

"Holy Smokes! Katrina completely converted my dull horse into a willing partner in less than 2 hours. I call it witchcraft, Katrina calls it"science..." I still think it's witchcraft.
— Clinic Participant "Building Behaviours"

"wow what a Difference a weekend can make.This was the best clinic I've ever attended. Clear instruction, happy horses, big improvements for everyone. Just incredible. Thank you!!
— LC

— Name, Title